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RocketReach Experience


RocketReach Experience

UI/UX Design

Throughout my time at RocketReach, I’ve also had the pleasure of working on revamping the interface and experience of the product itself (in addition to working on the brand!). We’ve been slowly rebuilding individual pieces of the experience, rather than starting over from scratch. I’d like to highlight a few of my favorite interactions I’ve designed here. This page will be updated as I continue to work with RocketReach.

Search Results

After conducting a heuristic evaluation, I found one area I wanted to focus on was how RocketReach displayed its search results to users. For the uninitiated, RocketReach allows users to find professional contacts, and contact information (email addresses and phone numbers) for those professionals. The user would search or filter for a person, and then press a button to view that person’s email addresses and phone numbers. Here’s how the results displayed when I first got started.

Not exactly the most intuitive, is it?

Not exactly the most intuitive, is it?

So. Here’s how it works. You hover over the correct email, and the dropdown arrow to the left and the UserScore indicator to the right appear. Then, you can hover over the check mark for this to show up:


You then click the dropdown button on the left, for the following options to appear.


Among the problems present are an unintuitive division of actions/information, the significant hiding of other emails with which to compare (emphasizing recall over recognition, a huge no-no), and a dropdown that created a large interaction cost.

Goal: To design a search fly-out that reduces friction for commonly performed actions. (Having it look good and animate smoothly wouldn’t hurt, either)

To replace it, I designed a fly-out that reduced the friction to access the primary actions the user would undertake (backed by research, no less!) and put all the secondary information on a mouseover modal.

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I also created a nifty little animation to show the developer how it would look in action.

Because who doesn’t love gifs?

Because who doesn’t love gifs?

Then, I worked with Chris, one of our developers, to create a mobile version that accounted for mobile touch restrictions and ‘fat-finger-proof’ design practices.

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Thanks for taking the time to check out my work with RocketReach. Check back soon for more!